Thursday, August 14, 2008


I was in the kitchen minding my own business when I heard a loud commotion outside.My oldest son Fadi.aged 10 was emitting this awful wailing sound."AAAGH...Sam(brother aged 9) hit me on the head with a stone,AAAGGHHH...I'm covered in blood...AAAAGGH....AAAAAAGGHHHH........." OOH the melodramatics....the hysterics....actually there was quite alot of blood,but it was only a very small cut.What is it with brothers.One minute they are playing together all matey,only for the next minute to descend into outright warfare.The problem is they are so close in age.There's only 11 months between them and they fight about EVERYTHING."Thats my spoon", "No thats my spoon","No I had it first" you get my drift!!! I remember being so happy to have 2 boys close in age.I imagined that they were going to be really close,the best of friends....but their all. I really hope this rivalry is not going to be carried with them into adulthood...I hope that one day they will be friends and really appreciate eachother and actually ENJOY eachothers company...ha...wishful thinking......

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